The Mind Blowing Benefits of Oil Massage Therapy

Your body deserves its much required break like your mind does. That's why getting a massage is the best getaway from daily cacophony and stress. It offers relaxation especially when you have had a very tough week. An oil massage is perhaps the most therapeutic among all other natural treatments we undergo. Today we will like to discuss the manifold benefits of an oil massage. Have a look:

Improving blood circulation

During an oil massage, the masseuse will twist your muscles, pat and knead them. The hand massage stimulates the nerves and the circulatory system. As a result of intense oil massage your body will generate heat and stimulate the nerve cells. Hence massaging helps pump blood and helps improve texture of your skin with improved elimination  of toxins.

Boosts flexibility

During an oil massage in Footscray the masseuse will exert pressure at the right points, and help tone the muscles by stretching them. As a result the functioning of the muscles improve to a great level. This apart an oil massage helps decrease flabs while toning the muscles and adding to their flexibility.

Improves mood and beats depression

Did you know there are around 30 different pressure points in your foot sole and palm? This apart, there are at least 7 reflex centres in your body which are connected to the glands, head, neck, pancreas, reproductive organs, liver and kidneys. When a massage is performed on your body, it relaxes your mind and body and releives you instantly. Thus, you can instantly get rid of depression and all other mental ailments.

Boosting nerve health

When the muscles are patted, twisted and kneaded, the nerves are stimulated. As the nerves are stimulated they start working better. As your senses start working your mind becomes more focused.

Helps you stay healthy

Upon massaging the head, the nose, the wrists and hands or soles of your feet, your health automatically improves. These body parts helps secrete hormones through glands. Massage in Footscray helps release certain hormones and in result calms the nerve endings.

A healthy dose of oil massage improves heart health. There are different pressure points in the palm. These points have a direct connection with the heart. That's why an oil massage is necessary as it helps improve the functioning of the heart.

Massage therapy also helps maintain stomach health.  The masseuse will apply oil on the stomach and lower abdomen. During the process the masseuse will focus on the large intestine, the liver and the spleen and will administer a massage accordingly.

The therapeutic process is also effective in improving eye-sight. Thus, it is evident massage therapy is useful in adding to our mental and physical health.


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